All bow to the Queen!

Friday, January 02, 2004

Decisions, decisions...

well it's a New Year and everyone is on about making changes and becoming better etc etc....honestly i am just in that place where I couldn't care less.

Old Year's Night was extremely boring seeing as how i slept thru most of it. *shrugs* i was dead tired so whaddya expect. what had me in shock was my mother. she looks at me when i am getting ready to go to church with her and my nieces and asks " and just where do u think ur going?"

so i tell her well I am going with u guys. she eyes me up and down then goes and gets in the car. later on in the nite now she tells me she expected me to stay at home and get some rest seeing as how i was pretty exhausted and she can't understand why i chose to push myself to come to church. :|

now here's the thing. the times when i did decide to stay at home becus i was tired that woman ran me over. and now that i decide i gin try and mek it she still running me over with lectures of not killing myself...

there is no pleasing that woman. none.

that said New Year's day didn't turn out so bad.

woke up so late and was on cloud9. called up some ppl and chatted for a bit. had the shock of my life when he that never ever calls....well called. still doan count as a call cus he didn't get me and i sticking to that.

went to the airport to seem kimme off and no kerry i did not if. *rolls eyes*

saw a cute guy at the airport tho and me and the other kimme was gonna ask his name until we saw....the wedding band....

the good ones are all taken. lol.

left the airport then to get a txt that raiser was going to the movies (Paycheck) with some peeps and he asked if I wanted to come along. i hate being home so of course i went lol.
so met up with him and some of his ppl and guess who we saw....spidude! who ain speaking to me cus i ain tell he i was gine. :P as if he doan go and see movies without me all the time. i doan complain now do i? does Love Actually ring a bell lovey? :@ I can play that offended game too u know....that is if i got plans to walk home. LOL.

also saw bighead miss giggles *ducks froms shoe* who tried to push me down the stairs. i dunno what that was about.

all in all it was a good old year's spent with family and some new friends. how was urs?

oh btw Ash tell ur mum i say thanks soo much for the stuff and give Uncle Pete all my love. ^__^



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