All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, January 03, 2004

*mutters to self if this title thing is really necessary*

yet another day at work...this 6 day work week is beginning to take it's toll on me. can u say bags under my eyes?

so lately i been wondering why i can't find the right guy. I mean i am talking to someone rite now but that isn't serious it?....we just talk. What I want is a serious something. Then again...who knows maybe I am not ready for that.

It is so important who you associate yourself with. Was talking to raiser yesterday when he said to me that he was really surprised that I walked outta that situation without having gotten physical with them.

It appears their exploits are well known. Funny enuff he's not the only person to have told me so. Guy's own cousin doubted me when I told him that we never even went there. :|

Is it so hard to believe that I can control myself? Regardless of whatever skills or how much someone can sweettalk you I do believe it is entirely possible for you to say no and mean it. I mean come on is it REALLY that hard? maybe that's just me. *shrugs*

so my girl has returned home and hasn't even emailed me yet nor NUTTIN to lemme know she get home. She is soo banned. I bet you thought i was kidding when I told you I was trading you in for Samwise didn't you? Now there was a real best friend. :P

My dad surprised me yesterday by telling me he was proud of me. Needless to say I was very confused and kept waiting for the ball to drop...but that was basically it. I went inside the house feeling very concerned for his physical well being......

My 20th birthday is coming up on January 11th and the only thing I am excited about is this surprise gift my co worker Annie keeps going on about. I talked to our receptionist Yohana Banana lol who knows what it is but the little traitor won't tell me. I offered her money.....

I don't think I'll be doing anything for that seeing as how Christmas pretty much broke the bank for me lol.

Well rite now work calls so I am off to answer it.

Some idiot is outside pretending to be a ghost. I really am not amused. :@


oh yeah and I'm not sure but I think spi isn't talking to me again. :S Has to do with a request this morning which i sent out only cus he said it woke him up last week. I was aiming to do the same thing again. *shrugs* sorry man. : (


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