All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Again with the blog template....oye!

I can't seem to find one that I like! Well this current one seems ok I think. Maybe this will be the last of it.

Nothing new to report this week....

Oh wait I lie! For about 2 or 3 months now I've noticed this black car parked alongside Scotia Bank at the bottom of Broad Street. This thing had endless parking tickets and was beginning to look a bit worse for the wear. So like I said I've been walking past this thing every morning and evening for the better part of 3 years and it's clearly never moved! And each day more parking tickets are appearing and the paint job is peeling. One day I notice that now the front tyre on the driver's side is flat.

So of course now I'm thinking "Damn the person that owns this car is dead. And instead of putting fresh new tickets on the window EVERY day, y don't the police try to find out who owns it? Weird!

Anyway I said all that to say that the other morning I realised the car was gone. I'm a little said. I was beginning to enjoy passing it every morning and imagining all sorts of scenarios that led to it being stranded there. Maybe the person wasn't dead. They were kidnapped and being held for was all very primetime tv scenarios where everything worked out in the end so don't hold it against me that I said I enjoyed it.

You ever realise that when you get SUPER excited about something it does one of two things? It either (a) Doesn't turn out as well as you thought it would be or worse (b) Doesn't happen at all.

Well (b) happened to me ALL last weekend and man was I upset, hurt....hopes dashed cruelly upon the jagged, waiting rocks just outside the cavern that is my life. *sigh*

All in all I realise it was for the best. Still sucks I didn't get what I want but then it wouldn't be life would it. Just gotta roll with the punches. So that's what I'm doing! I'm rolling dammit....and rolling...and rolling...roll...roll...

Sooooo disappointed tho. :(


Blogger Piggles said...

you have such an active imagination!

2:33 PM

Blogger Splint said...

piggles translation

You, this heffa mad as @^%&*^

9:02 AM


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