All bow to the Queen!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Contray to popular belief I have not run off to be with some elderly German tourist. He's actually just a bit older than me and he's Australian so there Kerry!!!:@
Nehoos the past few days have been something else. My cousin is in from the UK with her little girl who's about 2 and who is  a major pain in areas unmentionable...or in my case non existent. *eyeroll* this child is such a brat. I was here thinking little Harvey who I had to sit for a month was bad but this kid takes the cake the icing and above all the candles.  She just won't stop crying. :S
Still working hard at the babysitting gig trying to save some dough....for the future.
Bought like two new pairs of jeans cus I just felt the need to. Had a nice lil surprise when my aunt sent me a new beach wrap(the old one got accidentally thrown out a few weeks ago). it's really very colorful and fun looking so that's made me quite pleased lol. Got a matching top and all but that looks more like something u'd wear out than to the beach so I've put that up.
Sang for the first time in awhile at church last week when we had Youth Night. Sang two of my fave songs which were All my Life..can't remember the singer and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Apparently my voice is still pretty good considering I haven't sung in front of ppl for ...well years. So only God to thank for that.
Have a youth retreat coming up at the church in a couple weeks and our youth leader's roped me into being a counselor. 0_0 So a whole week in an enclosed environment with a bunch of 12 - 15 year olds. Lord help muh.
Sometimes it is easier to tell ppl what it is they want to hear to avoid the amount of noise and confusion that comes with ur being honest I hate that I have to do it but life's been nice and quiet and joy filled up until now and I sorta wanta to keep it that way. So it seems the little white lies will have to continue......they're impossible to talk to anyway.
Why would he shoot her down? The reasoning for this escapes me. :S
Well that's it for Miss Ana's so called life. ^__^


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