All bow to the Queen!

Monday, May 31, 2004

Ka CHING!!!!

Finally days of prayer and hoping have resulted in work!! Whoo hoo!! Got a call for babysitting last nite when I was at Olympus. Went to see Shrek but alas it was sold out. So we saw Day after Tomorrow instead. Which was pretty damn interesting I must say....neways I digress.
Rite money!! If I can get two more weeks of this sorta work then I will be set where plane fare is concerned and still have some leftover cash which will promptly be put on the bank. If I get to sit for all three months...well that will be even better. Lord just let it work out.
The kids is pretty ok..didn't cry once thank Heaven...can't stand crying babies....well the ones that go on and on anyway.
I gotta say tho....I hardly ever see any black guests at the the 2 years I been sitting there I have encountered ONE black family one Asian and all the rest were white....for some reason it bothered me...
They wanted me to sit again tonight but the head sitter was like give her a break she had him all the arrangement was made that I have Harvey in the day and someone else will sit him at night. ^___^

Well finally got to see my girl after months upon end...even thought she seemed otherwise occupied...*eyeroll*

Resisted the urge to punch this guy square in the face when he kept coming at me asking me how come I left Mixx....

convo went like this...

Dude: So Mel I mean you left Mixx and you didn't really say anything about it? So what happened??
Mel: Well DudeI really doan like talking about it. I'll tell you sometime later.
(Dude advances forward): But I really want to know. What was the breaking point for you? The straw that broke the camel's back?
(Me steps back) : I just said I really doan wanna talk about it. It's a sore point for me.
Dude: Oh come on you can tell me? I just really wanna know!

So by this time I am highly pissed of and I had to tell Ian to get him away from me...ppl doan lissen??? If I doan wanna talk about it that means I DON'T want to talk about it..simple!!

All in all the weekend wasn't bad at all. Limed at a friend's house and watched Fight Club. Very disturbing yet intruiging stuff....too bad I didn't get to see the ending. :(



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