All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

One word people....Troy. Go see it. It was amazing!!! And no I am not saying this because I have an unhealthy obsession with Orlando Bloom altho I must add her that his character REALLY sucked. The star was of course Brad Pitt a.k.a Achilles and Hector who I now realise was played by Eric Bana (the Hulk.

Oh man this movie totally rocked. It was dramatic and at times very humorous and yes there were tons of male figures garaunteed to make any female swoon. Actually me and Liesl were there clapping like idiots when Orlando first came on the screen. Our male counterparts weren't impressed lol.

There was romance too of course and that was also very entertaining. The things ppl do for love ^__^

The fight scenes were FANTASTIC and whoever choreagraphed them mad props to them. And the actors were FIT!! especially Brad!!And lemme just state here that I was never a Brad Pitt fan. I don't think I ever will be but I have a newfound appreciation for him. He played his role to perfection.

Just go see the movie ppl. It's well worth the 12 dollars. (y)


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