All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Maybe It's Me....

So Naolat told me something this weekend that made some sense considering it was coming from Nao of all ppl. :P She said to me "I don't really consider it flirting if the other person doesn't realise they are being flirted with." And it made sense. The same goes for relationships. You can't be in a relationship if BOTH people don't know it. And there is no such thing as a semi-relationship. You either are or you aren't.

Also if you say to someone that pursuing anything with them is pretty much pointless and they truthfully should not waste their time and yet they STILL do then they have no reason to be mad with you later down the road now do they? Now I've done this to some extent but I did realise that indeed alot of it was my fault for wanting to believe the best in the person so hey I got over it. But if someone insists that you should not try to get involved with them then there is a reason. They know their issues somewhat better than you do and they know what they are capable of dealing with at that particular moment. So just stay away and save yourself the heartache. Don't go trying to be a saviour cus you're going to end up hurting yourself in the end.

Next time leave it at just friends. Altho it seems that even that has it's wonderful complications and can still earn you a cuss out about your approach to relationships. :S Clearly I've missed alot of things over the years.

It just seems that the more you try to avoid things the more you or at least your name gets pulled into it. :S I really doan want to be in any funny business.

And just for one Misery I am not miserable :P Was just wondering why is it life tends to throw you curve balls at the strangest times. Truth be told I'm feeling times better these days. Still very pensive dare I say moody lol...nah not moody.....Ppl seem to expect me to be in one of two moods I realise...over the top happy or downrite seeing me just quiet seems to make others think something is wrong. I'm fine. And getting better. ^__^


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