All bow to the Queen!

Friday, April 16, 2004

Is it just me or has Madonna's music of late been utter crap? I mean Love Profusion? Nothing Fails? Come on now Ms Queen of Pop!!!

Stupse anyway. No complaining this blog. ^__^ Gonna do as Baby Doll suggested and Count mah blessings. Blessing one being that uh still living when I should be dead. Blessing two that I have a job *grits teeth and tries real hard not to complain* Blessing three I've got terrific friends who are terribly supportive and Blessing four I got into that place even thought I doubted I ever could. Life is really a ton of blessings. And truly it's time I stopped being so gosh darned miserable and perk up. Now see it's now easy for me to say so cus I have something to be truly happy over when before it felt like things were just not happening for me. I was disagreeable I was upset I was a little swine. And anyone who knows me as in really knows me would know that I wasn't just being that way for no reason. It only happens when I am upset but don;t know how to come out and say it. lol Kim's been thru this too many times and is still there. Frankly I dunno how she puts up with me when I am in those moods cus I can't.

neways point is I am in a better mood than I was before. Only thing left to complain about is this headache that would not go away...:s .....and it's not even a migraine......


Ok so since my fam came back home I realise that yes I would be better off living alone. It is remarkably peaceful.


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