All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, April 10, 2004

"I am not difficult...I'm just misunderstood."

I dunno what does be wrong with me sometimes. Most of the time I figure I am pretty easy to talk to or deal with. But then I get into these moods where I just don't care. I would realise that I being difficult and really uncooperative but I don't stop. No it's not a game...I just can't be bothered. It's best that when I get into that mood that all people leave me alone. But some people doan seem to realise that and persist and then I get rude. Sounds bad but.....

So the whole being home alone thing has been working out pretty well to be honest. My roomie is pretty cool and we've been having fun. It's agreed that living alone would be superb. First off very little housework. I mean really why would you need to do all the cleaning when it's just you?

Good Friday was ...good. ^__^ Came home from work and got some rest, Had something to eat (did I mention I haven't had to cook??)then slept. Woke up and had a really weird conversation that I honestly don't remember having so now Laura probably thinks I am

But honestly I don't remember my cell ringing. I remember someone asking me if I had a good day and I said yes. Then I heard something about the Passion of the Christ and I said no....:S.....then I hung up and sat up to see my roommate looking at me with what I was sure was a smirk so I was like "What are you smirking at?" She said I snapped at her but to be honest I was so tired I ain even realise what I was doing. :$ I apologized to her later but it seems she found it rather amusing.

We ended up at Quayside later on cus it was soooo hot so we went to get some coffee. Boo came along (he's having woman issues so I tell he come out de house) as well as Grandpa (you tubesock wearer you!) as well as Kewwie. I tried to get one Skye but we didn't hear her. Ah well.

I get kixx at real bad bout my pale ankles. It's not my fault I work ungodly hours and barely see any sort of sun now is it?? Leff this whitey alone maan. :) Laura pulled a really ridiculous stunt that had bare customers in Quayside looking at us like we were mad. 0_0 *me shakes head* Never agen you hear me chick? Twas awful what she did. Mek poor George get up and leff de table cus he was laughing so bad...that and de fact he didn't want to get hit with anything in case L's joke backfired.


Saw a tasty little morsel getting coffee as well...hmmm...almost didn't see him too cus one Kerry was playing selfish. :@ You made me miss the hair toss woman! Loss he was yummy word....:$

Ahem anyway!!! So today should be fun as well. Laura gine home!! No not for good unfortunately (lol) it's her sis's birthday so she is gonna spend the day with her then come back later. 'Side's she gotta bring the food.


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