All bow to the Queen!

Friday, March 26, 2004


Maaaaaaaan!!! I had something to blog about but this woman just come in here and I had to log off Trillian so fast that I forget what it was!!!!

*grumble grumble*

Neways so hear this drama!! De parental units leaving the island a day earlier!!! Let there be rejoicing!!! I am definitely gonna do the whole pizza thing. I was considering a lime but I ppl that I know have NO sorta behaviour atall and I can't risk things getting smashed. :P

So lately I have been making an effort to become a better cook (u dis A/C cold as wuh den) since I think all women should be able to do a lil something. This is not me saying that it is all up to the women to cook tho so Raisx and his pie loving self can go jump off a cliff. BAKE YUH OWN PIE!! :@

But seriously I just want to be able to do as much as I can ya know?

Good heavens now I have the munchies. 0_0 mmmmm a frescante with warm toast and scrambled eggs with some bacon right now would put me on cloud9......

I always wondered tho...why is it considered rude or insulting to tell someone to suck salt? Surely it's just the manner in which it was said that causes one to think it's funny?

And another thing ppl. Stop calling me a white girl cus the joke is getting old. And Billy and Piney can't say that I should not call dem goats cus she called me a sheep first :P Tit fuh tat!!


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