All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

I was in a horrible mood yesterday. Came into work and nothing was how it was supposed to be and it really ticked me off. You know when you just get fed up of things remaining the same after you've pointed out a million times what needs to be done? Well that was me yesterday. So I did what I could and then I went home. Ended up spending the day online anyway since my aunt needed help with her article thing...that woman.....manages to drive me bonkers even when she's in Jamaica! 0_0

Second reason I was pissed off was cause one of my closest friends called me to tell me he was disappointed in me as he was under the impression I had taken back something he said to a certain girl. He also seems to be under the impression that I've been spreading his business to other ppl....heh....I so was not in the mood to deal with that. He'll probably come on here and see this and buse me yet again but I'm beyond caring. First off he asked me not to say anything and I DIDN'T!! Why is it when I try to get my friends out of a situation that has the potential to hurt them it ends up backfiring in my face?? From now on I am just gonna let the people I love continue to make idiots of themselves. Don't come to me after asking me why I didn;t warn you cus when I do warn you y;all neva want to listen and I am tired of wasting my breath.

I doan even know what to say to him anymore......If ur hurt and you lashed out then fine but doan be lashing out at the people who are only trying to protect you.

In happier news.....Mum has revealed to me that she, my dad and the kids will be going to St Vincent for a week!! Of course when I first heard my immediate reaction was why wasn't I invited to this lil shindig. She goes well that's why I am telling you now. 0_0 (oh rite duh Mel) Anyway I doan intend to be spending any sorta money on a plane ticket anytime soon. So basically I get the house for myself for that week. Well so we think cus rite now they're still on standby. But in the event that they do go I need a roomie for at least the weekend cus that's Easter weekend. I'm hardly home during the week so I am not worried then but I gotta find someone to crash with me for the weekend definitely. And to answer the questions I am sure will come NO there will be no party at the bachelorette pad. *me rolls eyes*

I really AM very pissed at that boy.........


I miss Kimme...I haven't seen her online in ages. :S


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