All bow to the Queen!

Monday, March 01, 2004

I had a lovely weekend.

Saturday was cool. Went shopping up Sheraton with Laura then came home...stupid shades broke mind you...well the screw came out so I guess I can get that fixed...or else that would a real waste of 20 bucks!!!

Well I spent the night at home....god that felt so good...just being able to lie in bed and read a book and listen to some music ^__^. Went online for awhile later on....

BUT Sunday was the day. I wasn't upstairs for worship cus one of our pastors had asked me to write something for them so I was busy sorting that out. But when it was time for our head pastor to preach I went upstairs cus I KNOW my muddah woulda come downstairs fuh my tail.

My word God just took over in that service. She was doing her lil warm up thing just praising God and stuff. Den my woman said something like " And God moves in mysterious and powerful ways..he took a respected actor like Mel Gibson .." Man who tell she do that!! I ainno wuh she said after that cus me and Shakila went off! LOL.!!

Man she is just as excited about this film as I am if not more. MY woman launch into a good 45 minutes talking about the film and we were right behind here all the way. Now check this....she is soo anti - cineman it's not funny. Now guess who has ordered the entire church to go see the film...AND will be going to see it herself??? I can't wait to tell Porchae ( my cousin) about it. Her mother at the movies??? I feel for the people who dare to talk through it. tsk tsk tsk lolol. But besides that something just happened in church yesterday...the whole place was just in chaos.......not as in something was wrong...but something out of the ordinary was taking place. And when altar call was made for once I didnt hesitate. I grabbed Shak (like I was gonna go by myself) and we went up.

It's time I stopped running from God tho..It gin be hard to do but it has to be done...And when I was standing there all I could t hink was...what could be greater than serving God...I mean what greater good is there....

It's so easy to talk the talk but hard to walk the walk. Only God can help me keep on the st raight and narrow....

So many things were said to me yesterday while I stood there...But you know it's really up to me if they come to past...cuz God never breaks his promises to us...We just stray and thus forfeit what was there waiting for us...

Anywhos......I gotta change..and change now...Yesterday was a day I woan forget anytime soon that's for sure.

*sigh* So wuh wunna doh for the weekend nah? ^__^


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