All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Right now I am super sleepy so I cannot be held responsible if I say something that may be deemed inappropriate.


Ok so didn't make it to that Digicell thing last night since Annie wasn't going anymore and I didn't feel like knocking about looking for any of the other people I said I was gonna meet. Thank God I had a cell so I could call them and let them know I was no longer coming. So what really happened was that I ran into Justin when I was town making my way back to work to link up with Annie. So stopped and chatted with him for a bit then found out he was heading up Oistins and so I got a lift up the road. Ended up linking up with Laura and Drew and we all spent maybe about an hour just liming and playing air hockey. *ugh* I can't believe she beat me.:@

Drew thrashed her tho so :p lol. So after that we all split up and Justin and I went for some food and he took me home. Watched some of the show with the kids then I hit me bed. ^__^

The night turned out far better for me tho cus I just wasn't able to cope with that madness last night. Having to go thru all those ppl to find my friends? nooooo thank you. As it was I still got to hang out with some peeps, had some laughs and then went home. and got home early too!! Then again Jus was tired and I didn't want him out late cus I figured he'd want to rest.

Oh man I saw Armando with the phone I want last night! It is so pretty and so tiny!! It is a girl's phone I am telling you!! It's the Samsung A800...either that or I want the Panasonic GD88. ^__^

And evidently Laura NOW figure out WHO Armando is. We had a good laugh over that one. :p

But THAT is not what's important here!!

Point here is...I want that phone....


Hey that's kinda pretty!!

Nehoos so I woke up this morning to find our refridgerator door off.

And I have a pretty good idea who broke it off. But you know what? He ain gin want nobody to make noise or even mention that he did it cus it's him that did it. How ridiculous is that I ask you? That fateful morning when the stove knob somehow popped off when I was using the stove he behave like I had committed a criminal offence.

And it's not as if it came off in my hand anyway. I turned on the stove and went to the sink then when I turn around I hear *pop* and there it was on the floor. Who would've thunk that would happen??

Well I guess this is gonna blow over like everything else he does. Parents does get way wid some junk fuhreal.


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