All bow to the Queen!

Monday, February 09, 2004

If not for him....

(8) Now Behold the Lamb, the precious Lamb of God,
Born into sin that I may live again.
The precious Lamb of God (8)

So last night was......unbelievable....I heard things that blew my mind....

There I was thinking it was going to be a rather ok know trash the girls at mini-golf lol then off to get some grub at TnT then head so did not work out that way. First off the weather caused the golf course to be closed so we just decided to go down by Chefette and get something to eat. Now Keela's mum had done some chicken the dilemma now was how to smuggle em into Chefette without getting caught. LOL. So check Abby walking into the restaurant under the pretense of carrying our jackets and sweaters so the guard wouldn't notice. We ended up sitting in the BBQ Barn section where it was half lit :$.

Of course we bought other stuff like fries and drinks and salads you know so we wouldn't get kicked out LOL.

But I digress....rite so we were was only about five of us..the ones who were crazy enuff to brave the weather....Keela (b'day girl), Shak, Abby, Lexi and myself. So we were just all sitting there talking about any and everything then the topic turned to Lexi and why she had moved back home with her parents....

Damn....these girls hav been thru so much it makes my own life seem like nothing...All I can say is that if it wasn't for God I dunno where any of them would be.....they've been through some crap. I won't give details here cus it's there biz and I ain talking it out. But the more stuff kept coming out the more burdened I became to know that this stuff was going on and I mean no one was there for them...not even me.

First off me and Lexi never really used to's just like last year when she was staying near me that we got to talking and she seemed cool. I always wondered why she had moved out but I n ever asked cus the way i saw it since we never that close what rite did I h ave questioning the girl?

But I should have asked..and I SHOULD have made a bigger effort to call her and be there for her.

I may sound like I am rambling...sorry lol....but the things I heard these girls went through...I KNOW it's not my fault it happened yet for some reason I felt responsible...and I just wanted to cry....

Then lo and behold lol....Now Behold the Lamb came on...I mean REAL love songs was playing...and the ONLY gospel song that came on was that....and that just dun it up...the five of us just sat there speechless...tears were running down my face and Lexi was trembling so bad and I was just there holding her...the others just sat there whispering to God. That song is so powerful...SO powerful.....look words cannot describe.......

Well after the song was done we just stayed quiet for a bit then we went back talking again and just getting everything out in the open..... I just saw parts of these girls I never fathomed were there....But I loved them all for the more for it...the fact that they knew they had made these mistakes and admitted it was just amazing to me. I don't think they would have been so open if any of the older girls were there though....God knew what he was doing...that stuff HAD to come out...

So from the time we had started talking about certain things Something kept telling me we needed to pray and pray in earnest before we left there. And I didn't want to be the one to suggest it. Cus I was there thinking come on Mel that is church stuff leave it there and enjoy the night out...but I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself if we hadn't.

So when Keela's mum came to pick us up I said that we really couldnt leave without praying. So you know what happened? We stood rite there in the carpark joined hands and prayed. For a good 10 minutes or so we just stood and prayed and thanked God for just being there and for just bringing us together that night.

I went home with mixed feelings ....sad to know that they had been through what they have been throught and yet so thankful that God had brought them through.

Truth be told...If it wasn't for God ...who knows where any of us would be?


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