All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, January 29, 2004

^__^ I had to start off wid a smile.

You see. Sometimes people want to judge from what they see and what they hear and yet they have NO clue as to what is the real gist of the situation.

And let's just remember that no two situations are ever the same.

Now see I had this friend I used to talk to. Nice guy friendly and all that stuff. However he was a bit too intense about certain things and I couldn't handle that. Secondly he wanted to be all up in my bizness which DID NOT suit me. But for the sake of being nice I still talked to him and stuff and things were going ok until one day he called my co worker and started questioning her about me. :|

Needless to say when I found out I was super ticked off. I mean he asked her all sorts of ridiculous questions. Who else has she heard me talking to? What have I told her about him? etc etc.

I am sorry but that is something I cannot stand. I know if I had called up one of his friends and questioned him that HE woulda popped a vein.

So I told him about it and he saw nothing wrong with what he did. So we stopped speaking for a long time.

LO and BEHOLD he calls me out of the blue this morning asking me why I treated him so badly. rite. If someone can't respect my privacy then I have no use for you. And to top it off HE STILL ain feel he do nuttin wrong.

And it just goes to show how powerful the mind it. In the previous blog I had talked about ppl with those arrogant dontcarish attitudes. And I thought about him cus that is one thing that had shocked me. I have NEVER had anyone do that to me before. And even though he came off as a bit too intense I still didn't see that coming....

I dunno if I am still being too harsh on him or what but....That to me was an invasion of my private life.


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