All bow to the Queen!

Monday, January 26, 2004

So I finished the first of the Joshua Harris book. This one is I Kissed Dating Goodbye.

Now this guy has some radical ideas but the thing is they can work. I ain gin talk much about it since Suffie still has to read it and it looks like Nao wants to read it too. But lemme tell DO have to read this with an open mind....

Now what dear ole Josh has to say makes alot of sense once you put aside all that you're feeling and all you've experienced in your past...

Funnilly enuff the plan he followed was also my original plan. I was looking for a husband not a boyfriend. Yes I can see some of ur eyes opening up like "Mel what are you on about?"

But I always said that I was not gonna get romantically involved with anyone that I could not see a potential future in. And future meant marraige. I planned to date one guy..the one I was gonna married.
However....that plan went right down the tube. stupse.

But it's not too late to get back on the right track. I talked to my mother about it and she seemed really impressed with what he had to say and was all for me adopting the same principles. Yes even the one where it said you shouldn't even kiss until you're at the altar.

LoL. I can see your faces I can!!! Yea it sounds super extreme but you know I totally get what he's saying. A kiss leads to lots of emotions alot of feelings that you will feel compelled to satisfy. You're constantly wondering "well gee what next?"

By taking the higher road - ie not giving into temptation or the slightest physical temptation - you can save yourself alot of trouble.

Granted it will be hard but just think of the rewards. ^__^

Well since I have decided that this plan is definitely the way to go I don't see myself dating until I'm like 25 or so. There's lots more to do with that time than concentrate on a relationship. I suppose it will be hard but I just gotta stay focused.

There's tons more in the book besides that but you guys would have to read it to get the full effect. Just remember OPEN mind.


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