All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I need to change my's beginning to bug me.

So I spent some quality time with Him last nite. And it was actually very good. I came out of it feeling just a lil bit better about things in my life and realising that there is always hope no matter what my mind tells me.

I've spent much of life being depressed and beating myself down and you know what? That has to's time that I stop trying to become something I am not and just be me. And if ppl can't accept that....then tough.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I don't give a damn what ppl say and I am gonna do whatever I want.....just that I'm gonna try harder not to let their words or actions...or even the way I feel..or how my day goes....cus eventually I will explode.

And I don't want that.

As silly as they may sound to some of you...I've only lately begun to accept and love myself. I mean there were times I used to look in the mirror and just hate what I saw...

These days it's gotten a little easier to smile at that girl looking back at me.

She actually ain't half bad lol. ^__^


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