All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Not that much to blog about lately. Besides filling out applications for colleges I am pretty much the same as the last time I blogged. Oh yeah I am applying to do broadcasting which most of you should already know. Majoring in Television Production.

Oh one good piece of news by the end of the month I should have a better working comp as one Garge lol has offered to fix her up for me. So thank you very much Sir. *salutes*

Oh yeah I have a semi - crush on cute sub guy who works at the well...obviously the sub station near work.

He's quite adorable and has a super smile. Very friendly and is always doing these little extra things to my food which is really amusing.....or not.....guess he knows now never to sprinkle black pepper on my sub ever again.

The only problem is that he is quite obviously gay so there is no way that could ever develop into anything LOL. Man but he too sweet doh. ^__^

Have started reading the Joshua Harris books that spi brought in for ahem lending purposes and......well....I'll keep my thoughts til I finish the goodness tho....

So today is Errol Barrow day and most ppl who care like suffie said will rememver him as a man who paved the way for most of us young folk to go to school basically free of cost...I say basically cus b ooks cost money you know. :P

Well rite now I am at work slaving really I am. :$ lol But later today it's off to get my copy of ROTK from stinky old friend who want pushing in de wharf then from there off to Greig's house for a lime. Movies and a BBQ and good old fashioned liming.

Hope it's as fun as last time.

I gotta say that Greig's mum is super patient to put up with the lot of us in her house every bank holiday like that. Now there's a Mother.

And once again Thank you spidude for fixing the comments. I appreciate it. :)


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