All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Funny thing happened this morning. Was talking to a friend and he asked me so what are your plans for the weekend. I was like to doan know to be honest. Then he was like no significant other to spend it with. It confused me why he asked me that for a second then I remembered...oh yeah..this weekend is Valentine's. lol. I had HONESTLY forgotten about the whole affair despite seeing red and white everywhere I go.
So then Corey better known as Boo call me last night to tell me he wants to shopping on Friday for something for his gf. And she wants me to help her plan their day together. 0_0 Madness I am telling you!

I have no idea if I'm gonna feel down when Saturday comes but for right now I'm pretty ok. I mean it's just another day. *shrugs*

Well for those of you out there who have someone to celebrate it with...and by that I mean a significant other cus ppl doan be checking fuh family on that day :P....enjoy it and remember why you're with that person. Cus you love em rite? K enuff of that mushy crap!!

So Kickboxing is going well had another class yesterday where we did some more kicks and punches and it went alot better this time. We did some abwork yesterday but for some reasong I doan think we're doing enuff of it. When I leave to go home I always have soreness in my thighs and just a lil bit of soreness in my upper body. I think I should be sore all over!!! That sounds strange right? lol But when I feel sore I know that is cus I got a good workout. So I n eed to feel that in my shoulders dangit. And again I will say it...reverse crunches ARE the devil.

Oh and I've quit eating on an evening since when I get home I am very tired and all I do is take a shower and read a little then go to bed. So eating is out of the question.

So Digicell is launching today and I wanted to go to the launch party...however Bajans and freeness is not a good idea lol. In any case I don't know any guys who are going so you can at least FEEL protected and Scott and Annie ain even sure dem going. *shrugs* So wuh to do with my evening? Time will tell.

Oh yeah I plan on getting one of those phones but I don't have the 2 something rite now. So.....any of you lovely ppl wanna loan me the cash??? ^__^


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