All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Valentine's...BAH!! lol

So a friend of mine asked me something the other day that stuck with me.
She asked me why choose him when you could have had him? I laughed when she asked me that.
Granted the other guy was super sweet (sometimes too sweet it drove me a little nuts to be honest) and the other guys was.....sweet too but he seemed a bit more real. *shrugs*
Guy No 1 was around far longer that Guy No 2. He was like Mr Confidante when I was going thru that I hate Mr Ex phase. I told him alot of things. In fact I think I may have told him too much....I don't remember much cus those months are a blur. Times I rather forget. Not cus of him tho.
But answer her question it's simply cuz I felt for him and I didn't feel for Guy No 2. *shrugs*
You cannot predict who you're gonna be attracted to or even the reasons why. Even though he behaved like a royal pig and never saw that he could've been wrong which resulted in this....can't say impasse cus this feels permanent......the termination of this friendship....I will still remember that they were there for me when I needed it.

That is the last time I embark on any such fact finding mission with a friend tho I can tell y'all that LOL. Weird..I never even told Kim about it...:S

~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ C.O.T @~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@

I'm a thief. so bite me!! lol

So went shopping with my boo for his boo's valentine's stuff. Ah she is one lucky girl. Chocolate and chocolate mousse galore. He can't stand out Flindt's to save his life. tsk tsk. So he has the rose waiting to be picked up.....*looks at watch* well now actually!He has the speshul CD ready lol, the blanket (hmmm) and of course the cute bear I helped picked out. Can't believe he mek me walk through town wid he for all of that time doh. My face was quite predictably bent that is until I saw all the bears and went nuts. Lol. I am super weird. I stood up in Cave Shepard and told him off for saying that a bear wasn't cute.

"Don't you think she heard you?? How do you think that's gonna make her feel?? Bears have feelings too ya kno!!"

And then there was the Pooh saga. This woman was there observing this bear contemplating whether to purchase it. And me wid my obnoxious self said "Oh god I hate Pooh. What self respecting bear lives in a tree and eats honey I ask you? And check it..all o that honey gone straight to he tummy, Shirt can't even fit over it."

lol doan ask why but I was in my insane trash talk mode yesterday. Point is we got what we needed.

So we also went to see Miss Giggles before we did more searching and on the way out of town I went and hailed up (lol) Miss B and to see her new one which the lucky heffa got for only 8 bucks. :@

When am I gonna get my phone??

~@~@~@~@ C.O.T ~@~@~@~@~

My idiot taxi driver nearly ran over the most darling little puppy today (I am so gonna fire his hiney)

Wunna ain know de amount of felines I have witnessed being murdered since I started using this guy. (does that make me an accomplice to the crime??)

I mean it's just a baby!! He flying down de road and there rite there in front of us just a few yards away is the little brown ball of fur with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. So finally he slow de car and trying to inch past it and would you believe the little rascal tried to inch up under the wheel?? So I was like "Stop the car" got out picked it up and put it to the side of the road and got back in the car. By de time I do that wunna believe it was back under the wheel again? I couldn't help but laugh. It was just too cute. So out Mel gets again to pick up said puppy and this time I put her on what I could only presume was her owner's lawn. Then it was back in de car and off to work.

I dunno why but that little encounter just warmed me all over. Babies and puppies. My weakness lol.


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