All bow to the Queen!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Well the weekend turned out to be rather fun. Old friends and new. Although lately I'm being accused of spending time with my new friends and neglecting my old ones. I'll have to take a closer look at that.

So Saturday I finally got my phone. Thank God cus for a second I swore he was gonna run off with it. :S Doan look at me like that ...I was anxious to play with it.

I spent the better part of the ride home trying to figure out the different functions. Surprised myself when I had a rather interesting discussion with this rasta guy about the whole war on Iraq affair. Actually we talked about alot of things. I normally don't talk to people on the bus. I get real wary of people who want to strike up convo's. Doan ask why alrite lol.

Rite I off track tho...SO..went to the movies ..double feature actually...saw Paycheck again and saw Along Came Polly. LOL that movie was soo much kixx!! "look me straight in my eyeball" Hahahahahaha!! That Frenchman was too nutty. oops....that can be taken in soo many ways considering he was a nudist....:S

Had a really embarassing experience just b4 the movie started. I was goofing off with Ian (buddy o mine) and I said "meep" which tends to freak him out.....would y'all believe this dude two rows in front of us turns around and says "Are you Ana?". 0_0

So being the articulate girl that I am my reply was ......" depends..who the hell are you?"

lol turns out it was....wait for it.........*drumroll*...Splinter Cell! lol so yes finally we met altho I totally forgot you were going to be there. However it was nice to meet you. ^_^

Anyway after the movie the four of us ..Laura, Drew, Ian and myself went off to get some pizza at Paradise Pizza. I've become a convert. That pizza went down so good. Now I know health fanatics like Daana gin come in hay and lecture me but you gotta taste that stuff!!
There was kareoke but Laura refused to lead the way so none of us sang. All that happened was we laughed at the dude who was singing and talked about how perfectly sappy the music vids for kareoke was. They really are very stupid.

So from there we went to Crocodile Den so I could whip Drew's butt at air hockey but alas! that table was out of order. So we ended up playing pool. Well I mostly watched but Miss B seemed to know what she was doing. ^_^

There was entertainment for the nite.....three.....transsexuals....doing some show numbers in some numbers that would make Daana blush. *me shakes head* The whole thing was soo bizarre. And they were insulting ppl in the crowd worse than women do. :| It was....too weird.

After that we had one more game o pool then it was homeward bound.

That night was the highlight of the whole weekend cus Sunday was my day to sleep. In any case the current went Kaput and that would have put a damper on any other plans.

So how was your weekend?? :)


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