All bow to the Queen!

Monday, March 08, 2004

Weekend wasn't bad at all. ^__^ Spent most of Saturday cleaning the house and scrubbed my shower. Oh my mummy must be soo proud of me *rolls eyes*

Listened to my father complain about the fact that two of his fish had mysteriously disappeared and he's convinced the kids are the culprits. Why they would want to even steal his fish I dunno. He seems to be the only person who thinks the fish are worth this much noise and trouble.

Nearly told a busdriver where to get off when I was making my way up to Bubba's to meet the girls for our ladies nite out. Now see the see bus was marked on Kirtons...I ainno where Kirton's is so I asked the guy is this bus going up Hastings. The dude barked at me pplz. "I can't hear you what you are sayign to me!!"

So since I had approached him very politely I was quite taken aback. But I persisted and I said once again "Is this bus going up Hastings"

He barks at me again. Now I am not crazy. I can tell when someone has an attitude and believe you me this man had a nasty one. So me not in the mood to repeat myself or be yelled at once again for no good reason told him nevermind and I stepped of the bus step. So now he gin look at the woman across from him and ask her "wait wuh she just ask me??!!" The w oman replied she was just asking if the bus is going up Hastings. He gin go "oh you want the bypass bus?Well this is the bypass bus!"

"Well that is all I was trying to ask you!" So I got in and paid my money and went and sit down. You believe that unmannerly pig carried on bout how I play I too important to speak to he and this I this and I that..that man carry on from down st james to up near the Globe. I was so mad. But I stayed calm cus clearly he's a donkey.

Now see then I started wondering...Mel what if you were rude to him (tho I didn;t see how) maybe you should say ur sorry. So I said ok just to clear myself at least with God if I was rude for no reason I will apologize as it won;t take much of me to do so you know?

So when I was getting close to my stop now I get up to go up to the front...and this woman near the front was talking to another woman and when I passed I heard the first one say "oh it was her" So I look round like..."ok....then" Then I heard her telling the other woman " He was so rude to that young lady. All she did was ask him if the bus going up a certain way and he snapped at her. Jusso!! I ain surprise she tell he go long cus If I was she I was not gonna get in a bus when he was giving me all that attitude"

so me now sooo relieved to realise that somebody else saw that was like "Oh so you saw the way he reacted!!"

So then she proceeded to tell me that apparently this particular driver has a nasty attitude and is always snapping at passengers. And still he driving.

But you know what? I still said sorry to him. The look on his face was priceless. He was in shock. I have no reason to fight and make n oise over something trivial if that is what he was looking for. So I said sorry and got off the bus with my head in the air. I'm bigger than this attitude dammit.

oh yeah but that is not what I wanted to blog about.....I wanted to blog about our night out....

Anyway it was fun, girls are mad, no men crashed (whoot!!) and Bubba's rocks!!! We gotta do it again chicas!! ^___^

Toodlez!! (bandwagon syndrome LOL!)


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