All bow to the Queen!

Friday, March 19, 2004

To Boo ^__^

This blog is dedicated to Corey better known as "boo".

So yesterday our machine went on the fritz and sorta flooded our laundry room. First thing it would not stop running and then the pipe was kinda stuck and would not lock off. So I mean water was just running. Now common sense would tell you to go find the main piper outside and turn that off....however...I could not find it...since Daddy dearest had it buried...under sand....

So me and mum (helpless females) had to call a couple of oru male neighbours to help turn off the pipe. No luck. So we there catching water and tossing it out meantime the room is flooded and oh joy of joys it's leaking out into the hall and all up in my bathroom.
So at this point I remember the water authorities were supposed to be in the road next to us doing ...well water stuff. So I call boo and ask him to tell someone ANYONE if he sees them to haul butt over here and someone get that pipe off!

Lo and behold i see Corey chipping coming cross by me. My man dive rite into the whole mess. Held buckets with me and tossed of water until one of our neighbours finally found the piper under the sand (he dug for it). Then when we got the pipe that was stuck off, he managed to get it loosened!! Then we sprayed some CRC on it to keep it loose.

Then the real work began...cleanup.....that boy stayed with me till the very end. I mean I was there ready to cry I was so fustrated and he talk sooo much junk to make me laugh. We pretended to be making this exercise video that included the swishing movements of mopping since it tones those arms baby!! lol. And after we did all that mopping up...came the squeezing arms never ache so bad yet.

I will never forget this day...It took us two hours to clean up that mess. And he stayed with me the WHOLE time. And then afterwards I ain had no choice but to offer him dinner at the very least I mean he save me and my mother. She couldn't do much and in any case she was real distraught. My "boo"really came thru for me and I just wanted to let him know just how much that meant to me. That rite there is a true friend.


Oh yeah so me and that other dude are speaking again. *rolls eyes* Kimme ran intervention so we back on track. :P Thanks girlie and Love to you Mr Your Friend.


Oh and the kids and the parental units are still going away!!! And I found me a roomie!!! hurrah!!! Yeah so we still having this party or wuh???? *eyeroll* :P


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