All bow to the Queen!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Moving On...

So you know that feeling of peace and calm you get after you've made up your mind about something that was bothering you for ages? I was having that all weekend. God willing VERY soon all my stressing and worrying will be over and I can relax for a bit....

Mummy did the unthinkable and popped her arm out on Saturday night. I was horrified I won't tell a lie. My mum is a really strong person and to see her sit and cry cus of the pain just shook me up. And it got me to thinking...what the hell would I do if my Mum had to pass away? I felt helpless just with her arm being out of use for a bit. I ended up cooking and all that jazz yesterday cus clearly I ain intend for her to be using her arm so she can hurt it again. She got up all prepared to cook and found me in the kitchen doing my thing (haha) and mi ss thang tried to order me back to bed. I doubt it most severely.

She's home for like a week now. And I honestly was going to take the week home with her so I could do all the stuff she does so she wont have that trouble. But of course there is no one here to cover for me.....gee what's new?

Had my little cuz over after church yesterday. She is the sweetest thing evar!!! She literally had the run of my whole room. The other two kids were in there as well and they musta been soo glad she was there cus normally they're not allowed in my room....they break stuff!! But little missy was in her element boh. Oh rite just in case no one knows her name is Katelyn (doan ask why her mum spelt it like that) and she's about 2 years old. And I finally got her to give me a kiss last nite!! Usually if you say Katie gimme a kiss this little rascal presents her cheek for a kiss. the nerve of her!! LOL. But yesterday she gave me one right on the cheek. I think I want to keep her. :S.


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