All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Break Stuff

That's kinda how I feel rite now.

By now some of you may know about my unfortunate work situation. And frankly I feel like breaking his face in. I dunno what the hell I did to deserve this. I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm horribly disappointed and above all I am scared to death. I truly hate this. And it just figures that this would happen to me.

Right now I don't feel positive about anything at all. My friend who ceased speaking to me over that girl is STILL not speaking to me. And now I have this sneaking suspicion that he is speaking to her. My my my what an idiot ur proving urself to be. Hey as Mayne said it's your blog say what you want right?? Dammit.

But Mel will cease to worry about problems that have nothing to do with her cus she has her own issues. Big issues at that and cannot be bothered with trivial man and woman love triangles that does not include me. Boy does that sound obnoxious but I doan give a damn.

So I saw the doc today and she gave me a week home. Today was very productive, went into town to do Went to get a new ID card cus the last one...omg the picture was hideous and I know I am not a hideous child. Lol it wasn't only that the card was old anyway and needed to be changed. At least the pic came out better than last time. Since I am a non national I doan have that yellow background that Barbadians normally have so in my last pic I kinda faded into the background and looked so ridiculously pale. 0_0 Still no background this time but the chick who took it somehow managed to bring me out of the background. I look semi cute if I do say so myself. *eyeroll*

So what to do with my time home huh? I'll still go kickboxing of course. Getting better at issue is still being afraid to do the kicks and stuff in front of ppl. But then you realise that nobody ain checking fuh you!! That is until he pulls you out for that stupid spot check!!! THAT I hate.

Ok so beach it is. And if Mum is up to it I will go with her to see the Passion tomorrow nite. I sure Olympus was ram off tonite.

One last thing....I think most of you believe in prayer? Say one for me please cus I kinda need it right now. Thanks.


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