All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I take back every saying that Britney's video persona is "out there". Bring me the woman that can beat Pink. Now she worries me to be honest. The things she says and her vids....well her in general tends to concern me.

Jessica Simpson is just a real ditz. Then again look who's talking lol....

My dad sent my dog to the pound to be put to sleep. I wish he'd have told me before so I would have known well hey this is the last time I am gonna see Murphy. He says she was really sick since she had her last batch of puppies who btw died. Well he didn't want her to suffer so he sent her off . Man I had that dog since I was 10 :S Gonna be weird not coming home and finding her on the patio waiting for me or running down the road when I'm coming up. :S

lol Miss"Needs some loving" tsk tsk

Hope the next few days go smoothly...this is the ultimate test of trust.


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