All bow to the Queen!

Friday, April 02, 2004


lol It's just been a week of them really.

I realised the other day that I could be in the best of moods and my face will still look like I about to murder someone. These days I have to make my face relax which is just not impressive at all.
I am highly strung yes. Some people have noticed that already but I'm always the last to know things anyway.

Now since this is my blog I can say whatever I feel like and not have to give two frigs what anyone thinks. I am a fairly easy going person....I am......only if you persist in harping on one thing which does truly bother me will I turn into an itchbay. It amazes me that while I do try to consider other people's feelings before my own so as to avoid conflict there are others out there who would just let loose and say things that are absolutely ridiculous which are certain to upset the ones they said it to yet the feel no remorse for doing so...some of these asses call that keeping it real.

Now I personally have no problem with keeping it real. But when something is said or done in maliciousness (the true definition of the word) then I do have an issue with it. Now this will be seen and certain persons may see it and *chuckle* and be on their merry pompous overbearing pain the ass arrogant sarcastic oh and by the by hypocritical way. And that's fine by me to be honest. ^___^

And this thing about kill them with kindness kill dem wid love is so much BS. I am the kinda person who likes to be friendly with everyone. I'll go outta my way to be nice to ya. In fact quite often I do. So when all of sudden u are treated to a nice lil cussing by ppl u simply have nothing against nor as far as u know u did anything to offend them it kinda surprises you. I cannot tell of the amount of cusswords that welled up in me at that point because it just isn't ladylike.

But s**t now. If you say one thing say the other. If u wanna persist in teasing someone and expect them to take it doan get mad when they playfully tease back.You know? Just kinda like what you did? ^__^

But I REALISE RITE that anytime I SAY ANY DAMN thing it's a blasted problem for ppl!!!!Cus they can see and do whatever they feel like cus they feel they are above everyblastedbodyelse and could get way wid it.

And then ppl tell me I shouldn't let things bother me......

And ya know ya can't win? Cus if yah vent oh u letting it bother yah and yah being bitter...but if u decide look I gin just keep this to myself ya will hear yeah she couldn;t say nuttin after that ...with all the smugness one could muster.

*shrugs* but wait rite....this is my blog rite? So if I wish to vent about anything from work to my parents right back to how men make me sick then I can do that rite???

You are such a blasted waste of space. I am tempted to say karr yuh @$$ but you took care of that situation for yourself.


Onto happier notes!!! ^__^ Mum finally met my roomie and seems impressed so things are cool for next week.
And Pops moved their Tv and VCR into my room so my nights are gonna be sleepless now :S. Wish me luck....I can see these bags getting bigger. :'(


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