All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Some ppl are so malicious and nasty wid it. What makes it worse are when those same people happen to be your own family. ^__^ Now my youngest aunt clearly has major issues where my sexuality is concerned. And it really bewilders me cus if I recall correctly she is the same person telling my mother and myself that I am stuck up and I think I am better than her and too good to speak to her. *SIGH* I realise awhile ago that when the girls in this family reach a certain age that this woman suddenly has alot of talk for you. It happened with my two older cousins and now it's happening to me. So since she decided that I am being too stuck up for her she said she ain got no time for me. Woman acting like I begging she fuh attention. Shoot.

Now this same chick gin call me repeatedly and ask me things like "So Melissa be honest you is still a virgin?" 0_0 I mean hello? How is that any of your business?? "So you ain got nuh boyfriend? Why not? So wuh you waiting fuh? I hope you ain gin say fuh de rite body cus he would neva come *insert stupid laugh here* "

Now....I doan need that crap. Especially from a woman who claims she has nothing to do with me..yet still she finds it necessary to ask me about my sex life or serious lack thereof whenever I have the misfortune of answering the phone. She did the same thing with my older cousins too and I think one of em cussed her and they no longer speak. :S And to think she used to call me to ask me if I think the other one is still a virgin then tried to present facts to prove that she wasn't.

We both know that if I were to tell her no I am not she was only gonna go back and tell my mother and my other aunts about how wutless and slack I've become like what she is doing with that other cousin of mine.

woman need de Lord.

So I was talking to a male friend the other day and he told me something that I certainly hope is not true. According to him most males will risk at their female friends provided she look good. He says it's against a male's nature to see an attractive woman and not be moved to approach her. Now that shocked me to be honest. So you telling me that a man cannot have a female friend who is very close to them and not hit on her.Apparently he says not. I hope he's just one in a few. :S

I have to go shopping today. There is very little inside the house to eat and I can't really have that happening. 6 whole days of parentless childrenless bliss. Was considering going up to the airport to see them off cus I wanted to see the looks on the kids' faces when they checked in and stuff since it's their first time on a plane. Supposed to be leaving at 12 to up GA but if I know those rascals they're gonna be up...oh now.

Here's hoping they have a great trip! ^__^

Check the lyrics to this song.

South FM - Dear Claudia


dear claudia, you should try not to sleep with your best friends boyfriend
you've come so far since that time when you let your first boy in
and you do it so carelessly
as if you had no self esteem
a victim of apathy but you don't care what people say about you
i will let you in before you break yourself

its true that you like to sleep around
enjoy it with your backside on the ground
but you should know that its not your fault
your father killed himself

dear claudia, you leave pieces of you in each bed you lay in
and when you're done there will be somebody else wearing your skin
I will lay your fears right here next to mine
and when we close our eyes we'll be entwined
little claudia
you must find another
you must forgive yourself
cause its not your fault I killed myself
little claudia
I will forgive you

If you haven't heard it before you gotta give it a listen. Pretty moving even though I've listened to it like a million times.


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