All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Well la ti da.......

so Blogger has a new look, Vereee interesting indeed!!!

Ok so what's been up with me lately eh? Not one thing. *shrugs* Quit muh job hurrah for unemployment and for rite now waiting for summer to start so I can get some cag....gee I sound like a student.

Majority of the stress is gone now and I can breathe...and the headaches are less frequent.Have to go get a check up this week tho anyway.

I dunno what it is about arguing with my dad that makes me have this irresistable urge to stick out my tongue? He argues about the most inane things!! Is that where I get it from? I know I miserable but Daddy takes it to a new level.....I pray for my sanity..what is left of it....

Some ppl are so sneaky..gone and plan flights on the very day they were hatched thus ruining perfectly good birthday plans. That was planned..I know it was....:P Have a Great one anway man.

Had a good time this weekend. Friday I meant to go to see Hellboy with some friends but it didn;t work out that way but ended up seeing that along with Home on the Range the following day with another set of friends and had a great time as both movies were very funny. Had a most peculiar headache but I attribute that to the fact that I hadn;t eaten much that day at all except a puppy dog lol during the movie. Came home kinda early and crashed til Sunday morning.Then it was church home and sleep. Got up to find the house was once again flooded due to our malfunctioning machine. Of course in true fashion Dad blamed me for using it when I had asked him about THREE times earlier if it was safe to use it and he said Yes stop asking him the same question over and over. And so I used it...but some BRILLIANT person forgot they hadn't secured the pipe which runs water off the machine out thru ....wherever it goes....and so when the water was coming off it ran into the house......but somehow...this was my fault....

Neways I got other things to worry about in life than Daddy and his weirdness.

Other than that life is good. ^__^

Lord let me not bite my tongue in the coming days.:S


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