All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Life is super boring right now and I really wish Kim would haul her butt back home. Summer work doesn;t start for another week or so hence I have squat to do. Yes I have other friends who are around and I enjoy hanging with them but there's reason she is my best friend and that's cus she understands me unlike everyone else who think they understand me and and know what's bothering me whan really and truly they have NO clue. Two more weeks. And I hope Jase comes home as well even tho he is being extremely anti social and acting like we don't want him here when all I've been doing for months is begging like a dog for him to come home so I can see him!!

Right. Nothing new in my world except I got my hair braided. Big whoop. *eyeroll* It looks ok to me. Fairly long and it's this reddish color to match my hair. Mummy is not impressed (as usual) she prefers me to wear the blonde braids which are short and curly but those things were doing too much damage to my poor head.

Another weekend is at hand. Whatever shall I

Bored...bored bored bored.....but definitely not stressed.^__^ (y)


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