All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Life strange. Something odd happened to me recently that is really making me question what kind of signals I am sending out. Perhaps I am overly nice or too pleasant and am not clearly stating that i doan wanna get involved in anything. and anything means any sort of physical contact. So strike another friend of the list.

It makes no damn sense.And it really upsets me that ppl do not listen. Following said disappointment I talked to Kiwi and what she said is so true. Alot of guys today just after one thing. And while some may be able to wait on it others can't. or better said...some can't seem to understand it will never ever as long as pigs will never learn to fly will it ever happen. I am done making any other male friends except for the ones I have known for years who I am certain have no sort of interest in me whatsofriggin ever.

On happier less pissed off notes work is going splendidly well and I am really enjoying it. ^__^ No energy to do anything else since lil Harvey pretty much wears me out lol. He is sweet kid when he's not throwing monster tantrums lol. Haven't been to church in like 3 weeks but that can't be helped.

So I found out this week that my brother is moving to London where he has been offered a job. Odd huh? Looks like I might have someone to call on when I run outta cash while I am at school....then again lemme not get ahead of myself *eyeroll* It's looking like Mummy won't have anyone to put the kids on when the weekend comes lol.

Speaking of it being the weekend I oughta be out doing something or seeing something u know? Wait tho...America's next Top Model tonite doh! that is soo much kixx. Hmm jusso I refuse to go out when the nite come just so i can see that :$

Oh wellz I am heading home to my beddy bye. Lataz ppl have a great one!


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