All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

you know everytime I sign into blogger i have to laugh at my password. It is just too damn funny. ^__^

I am wondering what kind of mother I would make....It's become quite clear to me that I have been spending waaaay too much time with kiddies. But they are so adorable and they love to cuddle!! I like babies dammit!!!

These days it's becoming more and more fun to tick my dad off. ^__^ and it's not like i do i's just anything i do is bound to annoy him cus he doan like me. doan ask me what i did except for grow up and form opinions of my own. seems to be a crime worthy of death these days.

Don't you just hate it when you obsess over someone for such a long time and think about how cute they are and how nice they seem and all that jazz...and then when u finally talk to them they're just really really boring? I hate that. I really do. it's like all the time u spent thinking about them and what talking to em would be like, could have been spent doing something else as utterly inane as ur nails or something.

well after about two weeks my nose has finally healed. i think i got like windburn from a safari I went on and then rite after that I got the flu so since I was blowing my nose on a regular basis it just got really tender and bruised. but now i am all better. hurrah!!

the Olympics will begin in one more day. I CANNOT wait. if they is one thing I love it's the Olympics. fave events include gymnastics, swimming and diving. Perhaps this year I will get to see Ian Thorpe from the land down undah'...better known as the Thorpedoe *eyeroll* the dude is cute i must say...those shoulders...those eyes.....that smile....*SIGH*

And they are being held in one of the place I always wanted to visit. GREECE!! Kim and I always saidd we would go there in the summer of the year we turned 24....that has now been changed to 25 lol. Our love for Greece stemmed from the copious amounts of Greek mythlogy we read while we were at school. the good ole days when u had not a care in the world except praying that 4th former did not find out u had a crush on him....damn that one Harding and her big mouth :S

nehoos I real tired and gotta be up early to do laundry and then meet Kimmeh for lunch then to come back home and get the kids ready to go on the Logos and then have dinner with some girlfriends of mine...gee whattaday eh? :) Daddy will be furious. (6)


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