Oh piss it.
I'm in the most ridiculous mood today. I'm at work so I can't scream with fustration or cry as I would like. So instead I'm blogging.
It's just one of those days I hate being me. I feel ordinary. Unattractive. Miserable. Like Mr Cellophane. I'm UPSET!
And there's no one particular reason for this. It's a whole host of reason. Lately I've been feeling so down with everything that's been happening with everyone around me. I'm twitchy. Snappy. My good goes from happy ding dong to scraping the barrel bottom within seconds. Why am I feeling this way??
Why do ppl suck so immensely!?? Why am I so emotional???!! I feel like I felt at 19 when I was going through the worst period of my life. 4 years ago...the more things change the more they stay the same.
I'm wrecked. Drama queen? I feel to say to hell with people who are always so quick to label ppl like that. Prima donna even. Where are your friends when you need them. I need some fuel.
I'm so tired...so wasted. I just want to put my head down and sleep for the next week.
Why can no-one keep their promises....
Why can't I laugh anymore?