All bow to the Queen!

Monday, August 23, 2004

All hell has broken loose.

Well it's official. For all those who didn't know let me just give you the update. yours truly is a selfish good for nothing whore who will never amount to anything. I am more than likely having sex with 3 or more guys while partying my life away at whatever club happens to be open during the day. yes all these things I manage to do before 10 at night when I am in for the night that is unless I am working with kids.

I am inconsiderate rude and of no help or of any consequence to anyone around me. And I have pretty much done nothing with my life and therefore it should be clear to everyone that I have no ambition. I also don't care what ppl think about me and am intent on living my life however I want with whomever I want and always have been.

I am stupid, retarded, fat, red, a b*tch and above all else NOTHING.

Wow it's damn good thing I got someone to tell me all these things cus clearly I had some serious misconceptions of myself that I was fairly decent person who's biggest crime was not going to church on Thursday nights as often as I should, going online at the strangest hours and spending time with people who choose not to judge me. *shrugs* Then again what the hell do I know rite?

I sincerely wish I was leaving Barbados this year.

Song of the moment....Kirk Franklin's Can You Hold Me Now.....god.


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