All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hi everyone who actually reads this stuff lol

Haven't blogged much lately. Sorta busy with work and getting our house finished. Plus I have nothing blog worthy to write about really. This was just to say that yes I am can let go of your chests now and continue to live on :P

Maybe I will have something talk about when my family gets here. In particular my cousins. Can't wait to see them. Just cannot wait. I love those guys to bits.

Govan wanted something to laught at. Was gonna tell him something nasty but that would ruin the peaceful mood I have recently attained. To him I will say "Bless you my child. Go with God." ^__^

lol byee guys.

Hi everyone who actually reads this stuff lol

Haven't blogged much lately. Sorta busy with work and getting our house finished. Plus I have nothing blog worthy to write about really. This was just to say that yes I am can let go of your chests now and continue to live on :P

Maybe I will have something talk about when my family gets here. In particular my cousins. Can't wait to see them. Just cannot wait. I love those guys to bits.

Govan wanted something to laught at. Was gonna tell him something nasty but that would ruin the peaceful mood I have recently attained. To him I will say "Bless you my child. Go with God." ^__^

lol byee guys.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I gin get cuss for this o_0

I was just thinking about a convo I had the other day with a girlfriend of mine which made me realise that surprisingly enough there are other ppl out there who wonder the same things as me. It's just that they are bold enough to say it. The girl in question is white and her query to me was why does Halle Berry keep saying she's black when she's not. Now any person who looks at Halle would say yes she is black. But her mom is white. Which means she's mixed. She really isn’t one or the other. At least not entirely. So why does she feel more comfortable to say she is black when she could claim that she is white? It's not like she would be lying now would it?

We wondered as well how does it make her mother feel that her daughter doesn’t quite embrace the fact that she has a white heritage as well. Agreed it is her right to claim what is her race but how does that go down with her mother? My friend has kids herself that are mixed. And she said that yes it would hurt her if her daughter only sought to identify herself as black since she was a mixture of white and black.

Let's reverse the situations. Say it was that Halle was claiming the she was white. I somehow think that a lot of criticism would come her way for basically "dissing" her black roots. She would be called a hypocrite, a wanna be and a whole other slew of things. Do persons who are mixed just state that hey we're black because it's the easy or sensible way to avoid conflict? It hardly seems fair. I think persons should be able to accept and embrace every diversity of their being without having to be made to feel like they've committed some sort of offense against each faction.

I know another girl who I swore was white. Turns out her mom is black. And she embraces that fact. My girl feel she black lolol. But see I am arguing that ppl should be able to view themselves as both ..a mixture even…and claim both as their heritage…and not one more than the other….and yet I still see her as white even tho I KNOW her mom is a black woman….and this is because to my eye she looks white therefore she IS white. :s you're mind is a funny thing. Cus even tho you may have a realization about certain things and the fact that they are wrong it's hard to break yourself out of the habit of certain trains of thought.

And while we're on this topic about black and white….why is it ok to have a Black Entertainment Television which is meant to cater to the "black" viewer? Originally it was created for black ppl, by black ppl with only black artistes. Well we can see that didn't quite work out cus all colors of ppl watch BET and I pretty sure Eminem and Justin Timberlake are not black.

I'm trying to look at all the reasons why it was created and truthfully looking at the wide spectrum of things…the music channel which existed before BET did pretty much cater to persons who were white. There wasn't much hip hop or rap or "crunk". So along comes BET with the answer to our problems.

Shoot we even have BET awards and they go to …you guessed it black artistes. If we looked at the situation in the light that this was done to basically recognize those artistes who might have been overlooked at the traditional awards because of their colour..then we can say that having a channel called Black Entertainment Television is really not so bad right?

I tell ya tho…if there ever had to be a White Entertainment Television, quite a few protests would be featured prominently in the news.

Friday, March 04, 2005


I think everyone's greatest fear in life is one of two things. Spending your life alone and not succeeding in life. Quite literally in that order. Or there are those who believe that if you have not found someone that is linked directly to not succeeding in life when truthfully it is not. I mean sure everyone wud like to have someone in their life but that doesn't define you as a person nor does it give others the right to define your life as a success or a failure. I always feel that in matters when one goes actively searching things tend to mess least that has been my experience. Everything in it's good time.

And no Mel is not trying to convince herself this is just random advice to ppl who seem to think they need someone in order to give their life some sort of significance.

I have foolishly allowed myself to be dragged into a truth week with a group of friends. Basically you ask me a question and I have to answer truthfully. First question was at what age did I have my first fantasy. I told him at 8....when I saw that adorable doctor's kit in the CS window and I implored my mother to buy it for me. I just had visions of me going home and operating on my Barbies. The silence was worth it LOL. Hey he never specified what fantasy so whose fault was it that the question backfired. If you're gonna do something.....and well all know how that line ends. And why is it with these things ppl only ask sex questions?

The first two weeks of April are going to be something else for me. I've always been sort of an only child and I like my solitude...the feel of being the only one in the house. When the kids moved in that feeling went away in a flash. It drives me mad you know when I feel like ppl have invaded my space. But that is alot of ppl anyway...I just don't see why they need to use my bedroom as a changing room when they have their own room and two bathrooms at their disposal. Bottles of cream and perfume and towels are the norm in my room now...and none of em are mine. = /

But I digress as usual....ranting does that to you. About 7 or so family members are coming here and staying at our place for my cousin's wedding. In here is going to be a madhouse. My three aunts and 4 of my of who is a 2 year old. I still can't believe she is getting know the feeling u get when a brother or sister move away to live in another country or something? It feels like that as if she is going away and never coming back. Marraige is such a different life to the one she leads now you know? And it appears that babies are on the mind of quite a number of bloggers so that has me wondering what she would be like as a mom. Disturbing thoughts.

I honestly would adopt kids tho. I know you have to consider that if you adopt a child other than say a baby you have to deal with a child who has been taught by someone else...who has a different mindset. But I would do it. Too many children out there are in need of a home and at least one parent who would love them. Regardless to if I was married or not I would adopt a child. They're just the most precious beings in all the world.

Ya know...once dem behave demselves and ting. :)

I've been informed that snow really isn't all that the movies make them out to be. Someone just told me " go look in your see that frost in there?" Me (who has not actually moved but still answers): Yea? HIm: "That's sorta like snow. What the hell is so great about that?" Me: " 0_0 how incredibly....... unromantic."

Yeah so apparently that is snow. I am seriously disappointed. :(