All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I really don't have jack to write about.

Oh right. Work is pissing me off. Basically cus it's NUFF of it and too little time to do it in. So the week goes quickly and u think YES weekend it here I can get some rest!! But in true weekend fashion Sat and Sun fly just as quickly and sucky Monday is a bad case of head lice. But looking on the bright side least I have a job and that puts me in a better position than some folks out there.

Ye I am trying the whole be positive thing of late.

Had plans this weekend to lime with Boo and the rest of the clan buuuut SL called and I had to go babysit. Wanted to go to church today but SL called AGEN and I came to babysit. And now the parents want me again for tonight. But even tho I will get no rest this weekend like I wanted least I got to tan my ankles for a bit and I made some money!! See? not so bad. :)

vacation is coming up relatively soon...beginning of July actually and I can't wait. The plan was to go to England and take my nieces with me.....but since they are behaving like royal brats with no regard for anyone I somehow doubt I will be taking them anywhere. Cus shoot if they can't show me they can respect me when I ask them do to something in the house they live in what business i have taken them somewhere?

So I am rethinking the whole London thing....might just go Trinidad instead and hook up with the family down there. My cousin EJ died last month and it's making me feel like I have to see them all soon before some more of them pass away. Maybe I can convince Mum to bring Avi and Drew down so we can all be there together.

Nehoos I think that's about if for me and my life such as it is. See you guys next month or whenever next I have time to blog. :)



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