All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

This blog will probably cause some ppl to laugh considering what I am about to talk about. But it's ok cus I ain really care.

I am afraid of nuts. Now see normally I love nuts of all varieties. Cashew, macadamia, brazil even the everpopular peanut. One night a few weeks back I ate a nut..nto sure what kinda cus it was a mixed handful that a friend gave me...and immediately after eating it I felt very sick. Went home and threw up. I figured hey it musta been a bad nut. Well now about two weeks later to that I ate another handful of nuts this time from at home and I ate another nut similiar to the one I had that night...shortly after consuming it I took a ride on the porcelain express. I still cannot determine what sort of nut it is I ate. All I know is I am afraid to eat any nut that isn't a cashew or a regular old peanut. It's horrible!! But I just don't want to take the risk of throwing up all over the place cus of one single nut.

Neway. I hate it when the weekend disappears. It's honestly a horrible thing. The week is so busy you don't have time for yourself. So the weekend is filled with things you would have liked to have done during the week but had no time so now you're doing it and by the time you're done the weekend is gone and you barely spent any time on yourself!!!

I have decided that yes I am going to get a massage. The more I think about it the more I look forward to it. I'll make a call this week and set it up. I cud use the pampering!! And shoot if I don't go it it'll never get done.

You know when you're so tired you just look forward to what you know will be a wonderful sleep cus of that fact that you are that tired? That's how I feel right now. :)

If there is one thing I hate...ppl who see I am having a rough day...I mean you can see it all in my face you know but I still trying to look all perky and happy to be of service cus that is what ppl count on....yet random persons still get in my face reprimanding me like I am about 6 and they're my parent. And the funny thing is they weren't even my boss. lol they ain't even a friend. You learn more with every passing day.



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