All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


So today my brother accused me of not liking black people. Which was a slap in the face considering the fact that I am black myself.

I believe the whole thing started from an argument we had over black females who take their issue of black empowerment to a whole new level. We had been watching the Apprentice and there is one black female by the name of Omarosa…

Now this a disturbing trend that I have noticed for awhile but I just kept my thoughts to myself. Why do so many black females allow paranoia to wreak havoc on them? I find that a lot of these successful black females instantly think that anyone around them especially if they are white and female or white and male..or just even a male…are out to bring them down somehow. And that is simply not the case!! From watching this apprentice show I realised that this girl is always on the defensive and thus is creating problems for herself. It’s not a matter of the other girls hating her cus she is successful black female. There is one other black person in that show who is a male named Kwame and you know what? He gets along FINE with the other males. I don’t see him constantly finding insult in every mark that is made..always finding some way to start a noise.

I noticed the same thing with America’s Next Top Model with those girls Ebony and Camille. Taking the strong black woman complex to a whole other level and creating the stressful situations themselves.

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with seeing yourself as a strong black woman but don’t friggin well be a paranoid strong black woman who instantly assumes that everyone is out to get you. It doesn’t just look bad for you when you’re creating a fuss over nothing reflects on other strong black women who unlike you are confident enough in themselves and are not bothered to nitpick at crap like you.

I tried explaining this to my brother and he insists that cus I am not in her situation I can’t judge. That she has every right to behave how she is. I beg to differ. Anyone watching this show and seeing how this woman operates would understand what I mean.

Today now I was watching Hollywood Homocide and just breezing. So there is a scene where a black guy is being chased by the two white policemen and he shouts out “Man what!! You gonna shoot an unarmed nigga!!??”

My brother looks at me. “Melissa you don’t like niggas do you?”

Me now speechless wants to know where the HELL did that come from and what right does he have to ask me something as crappy as that??

His reasoning is he has been watching how I operate and he has determined for himself that I don’t like black people. Rather I prefer whites. In fact Melissa do you even have any black friends??

This man has seen all of 3 of my friends. My best friend who is my complexion. JP who is also my complexion and Ian who is darker than my brother himself. So therefore I guess since 2 out of the 3 can be considered “white” then his conclusions can be considered concrete.

I have no white friends. None. Well with the exception of George but he doesn’t really count. And I know he won’t take offense to that cus he has more sense than that.

Another damning fact is that I don’t sit down and listen to conscious music or the Guinness Rush Hour. Rather I prefer to sit down and listen to alternative music stored on my comp. And how silly am I to listen to that sort of white music when right now Hip Hop is the best selling music out there?

He doesn’t know that I actually do like dub and have that on my computer as well. I ain't a dubbist but so what?? I do like conscious music but just not to the level that he does. I love hip hop simply cus of the beats. Gimme a break big bro I love and appreciate all sorts of music..excluding country music…

Stuff like this REALLY pisses me off. My bro and I have never had any sort of relationship so how dare he come and make assumptions about me and who or what I like? I AM black for crying out loud.

I don’t care if I talk like a white girl. If I dress like a white girl. If I have pale ankles like a white girl. If I prefer to watch romantic comedies as opposed to black comedies. I don’t think any of that gives someone..especially someone who has never made an effort to get to know me the bloody right to pretty much accuse of me of being racist.

On another happier note I realised that Alfred Hitchcock is showing on CBC on's that for some kixx?


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