All bow to the Queen!

Friday, December 24, 2004

It's day two of my trip to Vincy Land. And nothing is going as planned. Instead of going to see my Grams with my lil sis I am here waiting for the phone to ring for the stupid airline to inform me that they have indeed sent up my luggage from Barbados. I'll be lucky as hell if I do get it cus apparently the luggage that came up on my flight was actually three days late. So I am here lounging around my mother's house in a t shirt and this pants which fits me like a capri cus of the fact that I am miles taller than she is lol..

I never realised how fustrating it could be not finding ur luggage cus hey it has never happened to me before. I felt like I was gonna cry or something cus all the presents I brought up were in that bag. :/ At least I wasn't alone cus the majority of the passengers didn't get their stuff either. My mother came and made loads of noise about it causing Mr Supervisor to come out and start checking de customers to find out who was losing what...thing is there were like 40 something passengers and only one guy working the counter..obviously the lines would move slow in that case ...only adding to the anger and disappointment of the waiting persons. *shrugs* well after her telling off the guy at the counter (kinda felt bad for him tho) his leader came out and started helping him. LOL and called me up next when I was actually a few ppl back in the line. Both my mothers are the same..never take no for an answer. :)

The family is almost the same as I 16 yr old sis Aviar (pronouced Av - yah)is as slim as ever and she still looks like she is 13 lol...tall tho. Stayed up last night talking to her about boys and stuff....she's a real sweetheart.

My brother Andrew is taller than me :@ that had me really annoyed since I can't boss him around anymore :( And he's filled out!! Mr Man has muscles now and apparently is getting into modelling now. He is getting quite handsome 0_0 Mummy is gonna have to keep an eye on him LOL

Mum and Dad are the same. Working hard hard hard. The new house finally got finished so there's something to celebrate.

Missing home alot. Actually missing Ian, JP and Carlos. If I were home now I'd be somewhere with the three of them talking crap. Miss em but still happy to be "home" ^__^

Here's hoping everyone haves a Great Christmas. God bless!


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