All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I want to have happy blogs...I do....but it's hard to when my brother is constantly pissing me off to the point of cursing him. Since he moved back here every blasted thing is in chaos. I don't mind him using my stuff but for God's sake have the common decency to return my things to my room when ur done cus maybe JUST maybe I might need them for myself?? I can't listen to my radio cus the cord is gone and no one can re call where it went. Can't watch my TV cus the cord that connects it to the video is missing and has been replaced with an old cord that does not work. I am not miserable...I just sick and tired of ppl doing crap when they know better. This may seem like a small matter right but put urself in my position. It is extremely annoying when you have to use something and you can't cus some inconsiderate body decided it was better off in their hands and then lo and behold later on they can 't find it...and those are just the minor things...the crap this man has done to be since he has been here....Lord grant me patience.....

Well New Year's is almost here so it's time to start making those resolutions we all know we're gonna break by Feb.
So mine so far are...

*Lose weight so I can somehow get a flat tummy. Hey anything is possible dammit :@

*Save harder towards University.

*Work towards a far more intimate relationship with God (that really shoulda been att the top)

* Be more diligent with my work

*Call my Mommy more often

*Eat breakfast before I leave home

*Wear more...ugh...skirts

*Get backrubs

Yeah that's about it for me. I am sure there will be more later that I will most definitely break lol.


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