All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Rain rain that's all it's been these past few days. It's not really helping my laundry efforts at all.

The week hasn't been going too horribly actually. Then again it's only Wednesday so let me not speak too soon :S

Friday will signal the beginning of the much longed for weekend as well as the return of best friend extraodinaire Kim lol. And rumor has it the bf will be in as well so that's sure to amount to quite a few well as nuff retching on my part. Use wunnah heads. Recently confirmed I will have to buy double the amount of Christmas presents this year. I don't mind really since I miss my family and haven't seen them as in altogether for over 9 years. So this visit should be fun.

Oh shucks I am such a typical Bajan lol...bypass Independence and heading straight for that note tho Bajans tekking this Independence celebration thing a tad bit too far. Walk thru town at given hour and you will see what I mean. Blue and Yellow weave like it going outta style. I mean come on man :S The thing looks horrendous. :S But I guess I'z de only body that see it so boh.

Can't wait til I get paid this month. Heading straight for the gym. And this time I ain taking no breaks.

Is it just me or are Bajan men on a whole just plain thirsty?


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