All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

So I find my emotions doing a real number on me of late. And no it's not PMS. Yesterday I was laughing so bad I mean literally laffing til I cried and then not two minutes later I was on the verge of tears. Raiser told me it means I am about to have a nervous breakdown. Thanks for the words of encouragement man. :)

It's not to even say that I have a reason for being upset...forget that mess on Saturday I had posted. I was raging mad and very disturbed but I am over it for right now. Besides that bit of drama life for me of late has been pretty good.

Work is going well...long hours and lots of work..when I get home I take straight to my bed cus I doan have the energy for anything else lol. But it's rewarding when you see the fruits of your labour.

There's one other reason that life is fun for me right now and that's because of this guy in our office. No I doan have a thing for him but he's someone that has me in stitches the majority of the day and you can't help but like someone who makes you laugh.

He sits in here the majority of the day doing all sors of madness that has the whole place breaking down.

It's nice to know that I have that to look forward to when the morning comes. He just makes being here easier. :)

And after aserting my authoritay (Cartman style lol) I've got my nieces doing what they are meant to least for now...these changes never last and I get tired of badgering them.

Oh and recently discovered that I look cute in one of my least favourite colors in the

I dunno why that boy doan stop stalking me tho. In the vanstand and all. Poor Mel can't catch a break. :)


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