All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

So today was my second day at my new job at Vision Marketing. Loads of work I could tell from Day One but it's really just a matter of staying on top of it. The girl I work with is very cool and I hope to God she stays that way.

The guys are outside are cool as well ..typical fellas with their stories peppered with profanity. One of em is the image of spidude. looks like he could be his younger bro or something. it's really weird tho cus this dude cusses ALOT so it's like 0_0 for a min.....

I hate the bus system....for two days in a row i stood up from down my side in Weston all the way to Hastings. Never again I tell u!

I got the commuters in specific categories.

First off we have

The Bag People

well really they are mainly ladies but dem got some men too. These are the inconsiderate morons who carry HUGE bags on their shoulders and instead of nicely asking someone to hold it for em they keep it on their shoulders. if you find urself standing next to them ur constantly being banged in the hip or the side with this stupid thing!! It pisses me off!!

then we have The Pretenders

yeah those creeps who are lucky enuff to have a seat and start shuffling their bags and other belongings in the early. So poor you standing there thinking "ah boy she shuffling de bags I gin get a seat NOW :D".....then the idiot has the audacity to get out 6 or 7 stops later. I mean geez you had to start shuffling so early...get my hopes up then to dash em into the ground???

and how could I forget the Smirkers.....

yea those are the ones who sit there in their seats looking at u like " oh yeah I got a seat don't you just WISH u were me?"

The Smirkers are almost as bad as the Pretenders......

So one of two things gotta happen here. Either a)I gotta get a license in the space of oh a week!! and a car too mind u....or b) get a man who has a car somehow bewitch him and make him take me to and fro.....

Something tells me neither of those are gonna happen. :'(


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