All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

My Bonnie lies over the bonnie lies over the sea!!!

So went to a church cruise today and I must say I had fun. There's just something about being on a boat that is so incredibly relaxing...I'd have slept had I somewhere do
I'ved decided that yes I must have a boat when I get older and have millions of dollars. Good that's settled.

Minibus drivers get me so sick sometimes...on the way home a day...was in a rush so I couldn't be all pick and choosy so I got in the first one that came...ram off with ppl...and check it....the guy still packs more ppl blaring and these rasta men that got in the bus down in the back wukking up on this girl who is hollering out bout how the rasta man can;t wuk up. He in turn is doing his damndest to prove her wrong.

Now tourist man in front of me holding on for dear life looking like he's landed on Mars or something...these ..these animals were behaving in the worst way possible!!! He just looked at me and this other girl next to me and said" My God is it ALWAYS like this??" She goes " Pretty much."

He got off the bus shortly after to board one less hellish. Now if even I a supposed Bajan cannot get used tto this how much does it say for our visitors???? Ppl seriously need to cut this sorta crap out cus it's not only harmful to tourism with that sorta impression they giving but it's really dangerous too cus ur putting ppl's lives in danger....i guess it doesn't matter once ur having a good time. *shakes head*

I'm turning baby obsessed....this is not good.

Well I finally saw kim ian and another friend went to see it over the weekend. I tell ya I laughed nonstop that entire film. It wasn't so much that it was done in a comedic style...maybe our minds are just really twisted and we found alotta jokes in it. ^__^

Damn tho I realise nuff ppl seem to get busy on accra beach....can't even take a stroll along there without butting up on two ppl intertwined in the sand. get a room eh??

So in the next couple weeks my Kimme will be back at school...god I am gonna miss her. Had the best time this summer just bumming with her. :) that's my best friend til the end hear?...until she do some junk and i gotta tell she off and we fall out again :P neways gonna miss her til next summer girlie......gotta plan that going away dinner this week....

Thinking about having another ladies' nite...mentioned it to Kiwi and she seems all for it...what do u other girls' say?

I reminded myself today that I should not be disappointed in the actions of others so much...especially when they are ppl who don't know me that well. But I realise that everyone does not think the same as you...if they did life would be pretty uneventful wouldn't it? :)


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