All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Well I tell yah. Life of late has been trying really hard to overwhelm me with drama.

Can you ppl picture me as an outside woman? Nah me neither but for a brief 10 minutes I had a feeling of what that is like. Don't worry it was all a great big misunderstanding but man was it amusing...and saddening as well. :S

I had something to say for awhile now....why do ppl think of suicide as a good thing? It is beyond me why they do it.Does it not make sense that while ur alive there is still hope that things can change for the better? When ur dead that's it. And no it doesn't mean the pain ends. Religiously speaking that's what it starts. I feel sorry for ppl who commit suicide :S It's a sign of real desperation...but things should never become that bad.

I know when I am ready I get depressed moody and paranoid and feel the world out to get me but I've never entertained those thoughts mostly cus it's just plain stupid to want to take your own life.

I just hope no one I know ever does something like that.

Been wondering lately why I can't seem to find any lasting female friendships. Besides Kim of course and that's only cus she is my best friend. I dunno I just have this knack for either growing apart from them for one reason or another. Seems the only ppl I can get along with for long periods of time are males. And that's neither here nor there as I end up having my issues with them too.

When will I learn to just start ignoring people doh? It's funny how you would take the time to understand ppl and they can't do the same back for you. :S

On another note...I am trying to give up coffee....let's see how long this lasts.


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