All bow to the Queen!

Monday, October 04, 2004

I still have far to go in the learning to ignore people thing. But sometimes it's hard especially when people take it upon themselves to be as overbearingly obnoxius as can be. Do they even realise well hey I am being a real jerk? And what's with the assuming things? Then again I can't talk cus I assume quite a bit even tho it's all done in innocence but ppl seem to see it the other way. But if u gonna say something then practice what you preach rite? One of these blessed days I won't give a two hoots what ppl have to say. Why Mel do u allow insignificant morons to cloud ur mind so? ahh girlie things need to change.

Had another episode today regarding the bus. I took a TB bus into B'town forgetting that they now run out the outskirts of town before dropping u off near City Centre Mall. There I was telling off myself for getting in the bus cus that little drive around the city cost me an extra 10 mins. I was eventually humbled when it became apparent that the bus now take you up to the river road depot so I was in the van stand in no time. :$ Still ended up waiting a good half hour for a van tho cus ppl act like getting a route 11 is similar to a cattle rush. Sorry rite but I am not looking to get trampled just so I can get in a few mins earlier so I can have some coffee time to myself.

Work is going alrite. I have some real busy periods then some not so busy rite now. =)Stephanie remains cool I can give her that lol. She's only like 26 but she seems so much more mature. In fact all the ppl here are cool. And they will remain so once I don't do what I fear and mess up anything. Check me taking notes and stuff so I don;t forget what goes where and what to do when i do what i do lol.

On a much somber note...I won't be making it to the Sesame Street Show....tragic I know :( Just don't have the moola to spare rite now SO that opp will pass me by. Unless some kind reader of this here blog is willing to take moi. Any of wunna out there?....guess not.Won;t be going to Judy Jacobs either.

Boy u! u know who should have a concert here? Linkin Park. Now that would be classic.

Nehoos that's all to be found in mah lil worl' so see u ppl around.


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