All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Ya know what I strongly dislike? Ppl that try to make you feel that cus you went out and had some clean decent fun with a group of friends and you got home just a few minutes later than 12 that you’ve committed a sin equal to that of the murdering someone.

However I refuse to let someone’s close-mindedness and archaic rules spoil what has been an absolutely fantastic weekend for me!!! ^___^ It all started on Saturday with the second ladies nite we’ve had for the year. And what can I say except that it was an absolute blast and I could hang with this particular group of girls anytime. It wasn’t too different from last time. We all met up at Bubba’s and the majority of us seemed to be in the mood for a Master Blaster…either that or that was all our pockets could afford rite girls? :P

Twas cool to be able to talk and not have to worry about eating all prim and proper cus they were guys around to impress LOL…that’s not to say we were pigs or anything :$

After dinner it was off to Ship In which one Daana had informed us was free that night. 0_0 The word free caught us hook line and proverbial sinker so we all headed down there and limed for a good hour and a half talking about any and everything under the sun. Politics and Religion were the main themes that came out. And I gotta say it felt pretty damn good to be surrounded by a group of intelligent, opinionated and dare I say beautiful women!! Y’all girls were looking good!!

And I finally got to see what everyone has been saying about Daanz and her party starting abilities. That girl has no shame whatsoever and for someone as shy and retiring as myself (me pauses til laffter has finished) it was really refreshing to see someone get out there and just let loose!!

Some back in time music was playing then some sweet soca and we all …yes all…Daana didn’t see me but I was moving :P ….were grooving to it. Sophie and I took a step out when the dub came on tho. We’re not allowed to dance to that sorta music lol.

Ahhh boy it was a fantastic night. I had a ball and I know the others did too. 

Sunday now was church …but not as usual. My Pastor preached a really fantastic …and surprisingly short sermon. It was all about physical and spiritual leprosy and the similarities between the two. Basically as Christians we have to be sensitive to certain things…if we lose that sensitivity that’s the onset of spiritual leprosy. It was food for thought and I left there feeling somewhat touched by what I heard.

I was even more touched by what I saw. ^__^ I had long ago invited a good friend of mine to church and circumstances always got in the way (from both ends actually ) and he never made it. Neways..he made it this Sunday and he gave his life to the Lord. I’ll say that I could see he was heading in that direction since we talk a lot and I’ve been pressing the God issue both for him and for myself…and he had been looking to make certain changes in his life and how it was going… still sorta surprised me when I saw him go up but I am definitely not complaining.  I am extremely happy for him and I just pray and hope that he just moves further up in his search for God.

Still even tho I had a fantastic weekend it wasn’t so great for some friends and an acquaintance of mine. One of my good buddies (you know who you are babes) is going thru a rough time as is a female friend of mine I’ve only just started getting to know. You know I am praying for you both and I hope things work out. Love you both.

As for acquaintance…his gf was involved in a head on collision on Saturday…I don’t know the full details of it but hey I am just thankful she is ok. No one likes a tragedy correct?

Well the weekend is over and thus the week begins. This week is gonna be torture for me since by workmate is off getting her new house in order…and I am still fairly new at this job :S I just hope it all goes ok…. I ain want nuh stress this week atall.

Well! That’s it for me. Quite a bit actually but that’s to last me for the rest of the week since I doubt I’ll have the time to blog or eat or sleep or breathe….lol well you get the idea.

Have a great one!! Ciao!!


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