All bow to the Queen!

Monday, December 13, 2004

I seriously think it's time ppl started exploring the possibility of having 3 day weekends. By the time yuh blink it's Monday morning again. Only good thing about Monday is it's the least stressful day at work for me. And of course you know that I said so tomorrow is gonna be hell. *shrugs*

Tho fast gone the weekend was semi ok. Got dragged off to town with Best Friend No 1 on Saturday...she promised to get me could I resist....we ended up doing loads of walking around trying to find stuff for her aunt and then something for Miss Thang to wear to dinner next week. I must say she is really coming out of her shell..the things that girl decided to try on..well i tell ya :P

Then it was back home and off to work to sit for these two lil girls. Got there and one was already asleep. The older sis stayed up apparently just to meet who her sitter was...her parents left and we chatted for like 10 mins then she announced she was completely "shattered" and was going to bed and I could watch whatever I felt like..... 0_0 LOL such cheek! She was actually very polite tho..a real little madame.

Watched Canterbury Tales...which was interesting...plot about this woman close to about 60 and she had this 22 year old chap. He was madly in love with her but she apparently used him to make herself look like she was it...which is a twist from the usual plots which is young guy gets with old chick for money and she turns out to the victim. I guess everyone wants to be loved.

Also watched this new show called the Awful Truth which was hosted by the guy who did that documentary on 9/11 one Michael Moore....he was just going around exposing alot of things in American society which was less than tasteful. One thing that stuck with me was these "Christians" were out there campaigning against homosexuals. So Moore and this whole troop of homosexuals went out there to talk with him. It was hilarious how they behaved. But what had me ticked was the reaction of the campaigners...they started lady had an amazing voice but it was kinda spoiled by the fact she was singing "God Hates Gays"..they even had little kids holding placards with that slogan. Sickening. It's no wonder ppl are so skeptical of Christians...they're just some out there doing things in the Name of the Lord and are seriously misguided....gotta wonder if it will ever change cus truthfully it's been happening for centuries...the amount of wars...the amount of deaths and executions..all the lives taken..all in the "Name of God".

Time will tell.

Off to another week of work. Hope it goes quick, fast and painless.


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