All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Wunnah eva realise how malcious Bajans is? Well ppl on a whole but Bajans in particular? I just waiting to see what is gonna be said and how it is eventually gonna come back to me. Lord this is gonna be some real drama.

Once again in a good scratch that. GREAT mood. ^__^ Went to see the Incredibles tonite with the usual lunatics and once again JP made my night. The boy is an utter clown. Ian once told me that he was even more entertaining that watching television...and I have to agree. We gin soon got to start paying he for all his antics lololol.

For those of you who haven't seen it as yet you gotta go see it as soon as possible. The thing was muy hilarious!! And the graphics notch least to my untrained eye.

More and more I am finding out the simple pleasures of just hanging with ppl...and more and more i realise that I have a great group of friends. Nope I am not gonna get all sappy but you don't always appreciate those ppl you have around you til much later. So rite now I am trying to recognize each of them for their qualities.

So today is a bank holiday and I oughta be in my bed. But I so excited that I can sleep past 6 lol that I up typing away.

Another reason I am finding it easier to live my life these days is that I am sorting and getting rid of some stuff that was otherwise causing me stress. I.E. my relationship with my Dad. Now from reading and from hearing me rant ppl know he's not the easiest person to get along with. I just realise that he is sorta stuck in his ways and like most older persons they aren't willing to let go of certain things. But we had a chat recently and I finally got to address some issues that were bugging me and vice versa and things have been running much smoothly since then. They aren't perfect but they're much better. I love my dad...I don't like him very much sometimes lol but I love him.

And finally. I've changed somewhat of late...some say for the better others say for the worst but it all depends on what they're getting. They're even some that say I get on like I make myself. Well I couldn't remain doormat Melissa ever letting ppl walk all over me. Suddenly I am pompous and overbearing and annoying when I decide to open my mouth and speak my mind. In a way I like it. I hate for ppl to think they have me all figured out when half the time I can't figure my ownself out. But one thing at a time. Right now I am pretty satisfied with where I am.

It's off to bed for me now. House lime at Greig's in the morning and I think he is gonna make me cook :(


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