All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Ah yes finally. The long awaited three day weekend. I say long waited like I actually planned to do something out of the ordinary with mine. Which is not the case lol. Right now I am up here at LAN with the guys watching them play as usual and waiting for JP's idiot brother to get off one of the comps so I can watch some damn Naruto. In short I kinda bored so I figure hey I will blog a bit.

So this week a friend of mine informed me that his boss was looking for some more people to sign them up for the gym. Corporate package and all that. What that really means is that we all pay less money when the month comes. So I encouraged two other friends of mine to come along and sign up. So yesterday one of the girls and myself journeyed forth to the said establishment to check it out and were quite suitably impressed with what we saw. So the plan is to start from next week. It's about high time I got myself into some sorta shape. Summer isn't that far away. :) I hope to see results within...a month...I don't think that is too much to ask for is it?......

My MSN nick has been causing a few raised eyebrows. Well you see what happened was that I went to lunch with a guy from the office and we both had a huge roti (from the Ackee Tree and I sooo reccommend that ppl check it out). Mine was chicken. So as we sat there chatting and stuff I notice there is rooster watching us thru the board fence. So I was like it must be hungry...or looking to attack me since I was eating it's fellow...chicken. So my friend tossed it a bit of lamb and it ate it then I had the somewhat brilliant *eyeroll* idea of throwing it some chicken...which I did...and it ate that up as well. We found it somewhat amusing and likened it to cannibalism.

Evenutally we had to head back to the office and as we pulled out the parking lot I looked back and say that the rooster had moved from the behind the fence ...and was heading towards the grill outside the restaurant. Again my sick mind came up with a sad conclusion....that out of guilt over eating it's fellow chicken the rooster sought to commit suicide. Death by barbecue. Hence the msn nick Cannibalistic Suicidal Rooster. So don;t give me that sarcastic emoticon when you see me online ok? lol.

This year everyones motto seems to be to focus on making themselves happy. Well I hope in the process that they don't forget the friends they have and treat them well too. And hopefully if they really are your friends they will treat you the same way.

This is not a dissing men's blog..but I realise that there are some real male whores out there. That doesn't come out very Christian like but I dunno how else to get my point across. Men out there are surprising me more and more everyday. Well hopefully that knowledge will go to good use and I will learn to distinguish the genuine ones from the whoring ones.

Here's to the weekend!!! ^___^


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